Grab the opportunity to learn more about the team and company!

If you've landed an interview, you'd better start preparing for it. While you may be busy thinking up answers to common interview questions, there's another task you need to consider: coming up with good and unique interview questions to ask your potential employer. Luckily, we've got just the list to help you get started. 

Why you should ask employers questions

Towards the end of an interview, you may have the opportunity to ask the employer some questions. Don't waste this opportunity. Having questions prepared shows that you're interested and engaged in the hiring process. 

Furthermore, the answers you receive can reveal loads about the business, helping you assess whether the team, company, and culture is the right fit for you. 

Good questions to ask employers during an interview

Standing out from the crowd is important, and preparing a selection of thought-provoking, unique interview questions to ask an employer can help you do just that. In the lead-up to an interview, consider what you want to learn about the job and the company. Here are some good questions to ask as an interviewee: 

1. How does the company prioritise employee development?

Learning and development should be at the forefront of your career plan. You deserve a business that prioritises this aspect of your work. This is one of those unique questions to ask an employer at the end of your interview.

2. What is a recent challenge that the team faced – and proudly overcome?

Interested in how the team solves problems and overcomes adversity? This is the question to ask. The employer's answer will tell you all you need to know about the team's dynamic. 

3. What's your approach to flexible and remote working?

According to the latest Office of National Statistics (ONS) report, 16% of British workers reported working from home full-time between 2022 to 2023, with 28% working both from home and in the office – i.e. hybrid. IF you're wondering what the business' stance on this work setup is, now's the time to ask. 

4. If you could trim down the role's essential skills to just three, what would they be?

This is one of the best and unique questions to ask as an employer because it works two-fold. First of all, it shows that you have a genuine interest in the role and its demands. Additionally, it gives you the chance to find out exactly what the hiring manager is looking for in a team member

5. How does the team/company celebrate success?

You want to work for a business that cheers your successes. Asking this question can put the employer on the spot, especially if they don't foster a positive company culture. However, if they give a good answer – one that suggests rewarding experiences – this may be the right company for you. 

6. If you could change one thing about the company, what would it be?

No company is perfect. Here's one of the most interesting questions to ask an employer if you want to know more about the company structure. The answer will tell you what issues – if any – exist for the business and might even give you an idea of how the higher-ups plan on tackling them. 

7. Where do you see this team in the next year or so?

The last thing you want is to end up with a team that's going nowhere. By asking this question, you can learn a wealth of information. You'll find out what the existing goals are and whether there's a long-term vision for the team.

8. What's been your best experience working here? 

Job interviews are a two-way street. Sure, it's your chance to impress the hiring manager, but they also need to impress you. Asking this question allows them to sell the company to you. Listen carefully to their answer – it could tell you everything you need to know. 

9. How does the company measure employee success?

If you want to know what metrics or KPIs the company uses, this is one of the best questions to ask an employer. While they may not spell out exactly how they measure success, they should at least give you a general overview. Use this information to decide whether the system suits your work style

10. Which of the company values stands out to you the most?

If you want to better understand the company culture, this is one of the unique questions to ask your potential employer. Their answer will tell you a whole lot about how the business works internally and how the team lives the company values.

11. What is the most significant change the company has implemented in the last year?

Nobody wants to work for a company that's stagnating. This question gives you an idea of how the business develops over time. You can view their answer as an indication of how the company may adapt to future challenges, and how secure it is overall. 

12. What is the company's greatest advantage over its competitors?

This question gives you the chance to understand the company's core strengths and how well they acknowledge their competition, helping you get a better appreciation of how your role can contribute to their mission and vision. Of course, not getting a clear answer from them could be a red flag.

13. What is the biggest challenge of this role?

Determine whether the job's right for you by asking the interviewer to give you an idea of the obstacles you can expect on the job. One of the unique questions to ask an employer – simply because it allows them to show the team's vulnerability – this query can also suggest your readiness to help out the team.

Be ready with your questions

Before you head to your next interview, consider which of the above unique questions you want to ask employers – chances are, some of these may already be addressed at the start or during the interview. All the same, it's best to have a couple of questions in mind. That way, when the right moment arises, you'll be ready to ask away. 

If you're still looking to land an interview for another role, send your CV for a free review and expert advice on how you can stand out from the crowd. 

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